Monday 21 March 2016

The Inevitable

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

I would get the urge. The need. The inescapable compulsion. 

I've resolved to "give something back".

You really are nobody in the "I've Got Cancer But I'm Determined To Trounce It" world if you don't start coming up with heroic ways of getting money out of people in aid of various charities that have helped you along the way.

Most people look to their strengths, and perform feats of awe-inspiring physical exertion, like climbing mountains, or running 500km in an afternoon, or swimming to Peru.

I thought long and hard about where my particular skills lie. 
What is it that I'm really good at, that I could harness to extract a few quid out of my "supporters"?

So I've organised a night out in the pub.

No ordinary night out, mind, this one's going to have a real DJ. And some nibbly food that isn't curry chips. 
Even better, it's all in a nice safe quiet venue, no hobbling on high heels from one establishment to another, no elbowing through crowds to buy strange blue young-person drinks. 
I'll make sure the music isn't too loud, and there's plenty of seats for everyone. 

Because none of us is able for hardcore socialising any more. (At least I have a good excuse.) 

And I am encouraging all my doctor friends to come along, because if there's one crowd of people who needs to get out more, it's them. 


  1. Would consideration be given to letting in a non-Corkonian, only if her dancing boots passed muster of course?
    And should one locate a Frank & Walters recording beforehand to keep in with the kids?

    1. Non-Corkonians especially welcome, so that they can learn what a real night out is like.
      A Frank & Walters full back catalogue will be the spot prize for the best dancing boots.
      Just don't tell anyone you're from Limerick ;-)
