Monday 16 March 2015


I think maybe I’ve run out of things to say. 
Or, at least, I cannot corral my thoughts into any kind of order. 

I am waiting for the next step - 
More chemo? 
Pretend like it never happened and go back to real life?

It is beyond odd to have so little control over what happens next. 
The novelty has well and truly worn off now.


  1. Keep going Sarah! I can't imagine how difficult it is but I am convinced that you are one hell of a strong woman and you can do it! We are with you all the way!

    Can you believe I actually forgot it was Paddy's day tomorrow? I needed to be reminded!! One of the few days in the year when responsible parenting & pints of stout go hand in hand. I remember our last Paddy's day in Cork when we all met up in town. Good times! We'll have to go back to see you all soon. Keep going Sarah! Pat xx

  2. What he said.

    I'm thinking of you and hoping that positive thoughts can help.

    I know everyone's behind you (not literally, turn back around).
